Let’s Make a Circle…It’s Story Time! (Tech Task 6)

I love the idea of digital storytelling, and can definitely see myself using these tools in an Arts Ed. classroom, for students to use to create as well as prompts for their own creations.

For this Tech Task, I chose to create stories using Five Card Flickr and creative prompts from The Daily Create.

Five Card Flickr

Story One: Daydream

Story Two: Floral Surprise

(I know we were supposed to embed these, but mine would not work…all I would get are the codes when I would preview the post.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! :))

This was extremely easy to use, once I got past my internet connection issues.  It was nice to be able to pick out which pictures I wanted to use (out of a set).  A challenge would definitely be kids not being creative or not trying to think of ways to use the pictures.  I would love to use this in the classroom in multiple ways: for students to create stories for drama or dance inspiration or to create collages.  I could also use it to create prompts myself to present to my students to work from.

The Daily Create


Record a sound familiar to you, but strange to others (creak in the stairs, whine of an engine)

Take a listen 🙂

(it is the clicking of my keys on my laptop)


Write a story from the point of view of your favorite food, but don’t say what it is. Make us guess.

Check out my previous post: Intro to Daily Create!


@IamTalkyTina wants to be everyone’s friend. Make a photo that represents that kind of friendship

ESS Photo Booth-TDC Edit

An edit (albeit quite simple-I am not a photoshop expert!) of my friends for @IamTalkyTina! (who that is, I have not a clue)!

I thought that this program is easy to access and there are posts of varying difficulty or time needed. A challenge I found with it was needing to get accounts on Flickr and SoundCloud, which, while it is not difficult to do, it might be a challenge to do it in the classroom with privacy and parent permission. However, I could still see myself using Daily Create in my classroom, particularly because I want to be in an Arts Ed. setting. There are some really creative prompts that I would use and I think that I could take some and adjust them or create my own for my students. I don’t think I would use this as a daily task for my students, because it has the potential to take up a lot of time, but I might do it for all the classes for a month, or do it once or twice a month for the entire year.

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